Tag Archives: brandy-jaynes

Kiss The Cheeto Ring: Steve Harvey Met With Donald Trump, Twitter Certifies His Cancellation

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Kiss The Cheeto Ring: Steve Harvey Met With Donald Trump, Twitter Certifies His Cancellation

Mommy Dearest: Mother Arrested After Locking Son In Bathroom For Over A Year

Utah Mother Locked Son In Bathroom For A Year A Utah woman has been charged with child abuse after police say she locked her 12-year-old son in a bathroom without lights for at least one year and barely feeding him. Authorities found feces smeared all over the bathroom, one blanket, a few empty cans of beans and a camera that may have been used to capture what was going on. Investigators found 3 square feet of duct tape mounted on the light switch so it could not be turned on so the boy was likely kept in the dark. The door had padlocks on the outside. The boy, who was unable to stand on his own and weighed 30 pounds, was taken to a hospital where he is expected to remain for weeks to recover.The doctor who treated the boy says it is the worst case of malnourishment he had ever seen. The 36-year-old Brandy Jaynes was charged Monday with felony child abuse. The woman’s two other children have been put in custody of state child protective services. Investigators are talking with those kids to determine if they had been abused. She is being held on $20,000 bail.

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Mommy Dearest: Mother Arrested After Locking Son In Bathroom For Over A Year