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Tawana Brawley Finally Starts Paying $431K To Man She Falsely Accused Of Forced Sex

We know that $431 K is hurting her pockets. Tawana Brawley Starts Paying Debt According to Mail Online A woman who lied about being gang-forced sexed 26 years ago has finally begun to pay back an innocent man whose reputation she left in tatters. In January, former New York prosecutor Steven Pagones filed court papers seeking the $431,000 he is owed by Tawana Brawley, who, as a 15-year-old, falsely labeled him a ‘gang-fore sexing, kidnapping racist.’ Last week, Brawley sent him her first payment – 10 checks totaling $3,764.61 – after the Virginia court ordered the money garnisheed from the nurse’s wages. It comes 15 years after a court ruled that she defamed him with her nasty hoax. ‘It’s a long time coming,’ Pagones, 52, told The New York Post. The ex-prosecutor said he remains more interested in extracting a confession from Brawley than the money she owes. ‘Every week, she’ll think of me. And every week, she can think about how she has a way out — she can simply tell the truth.’ Brawley’s advisers in the case — the Reverend Al Sharpton, and attorneys C. Vernon Mason and Alton Maddox — have already paid, or are paying their debt to Pagones. Until now, Brawley, 41, has refused to pay out but she is now forced to cough up $627 each month to the man who is one of three whose name she dragged through the mud in 1987, possibly for the rest of her life. ‘Finally, she’s paying something,’ Pagones’ attorney, Gary Bolnick told The Post. ‘Symbolically, I think it’s very important — you can’t just do this stuff without consequences.’ She made a mistake back in 1987 and she will have to literally pay for it for the rest of her life. Meanwhile, George Zimmerman kills Trayvon Martin and goes free.

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Tawana Brawley Finally Starts Paying $431K To Man She Falsely Accused Of Forced Sex