Summer has come to an end and back to school has drained the pockets of parents and students! Wanna break? Just need a little to get you over the hump? Win big with Attorney Big Al’s Big Break! Simply give Ms. Shyneka a call and say “Ms Shyneka tell Big Al to gimme a break!” She will […]
Okay, if you can get past how unnecessary a remake of the 1991 masterpiece Point Break is, you’ll see your way clear to being stunned by the gorgeous Teresa Palmer at the film’s premiere! Hit the jump for more pics…
Here’s a little something brighten your day and lift your spirits! Listen to the audio player to hear Beverly Crawford‘s “He’s Done Enough” in the latest Praise Break! Sign…
See Break Point’s Amy Smart in her nude debut, a return to skin for Masters of Sex’s Caitlin FitzGerald, and Queen Latifah’s surprising first topless scene at age 45 in Bessie!
This Woman Live-Tweeted A Couple’s Break-Up And It Got Crazy Nothing is worse than a break-up . But imagine a break-up that the whole world witnesses. This one woman saw a couple having a break-up on an airplane and decided to live tweet the experience. It was so crazy that the break-up started trending. Now this couple can relive its embarrassing interaction over and over for the world to see. Now that’s painful. For us, though, we can enjoy and laugh at the sheer comedy of these people’s misery. Isn’t that what Twitter is for?