Candidates for the 2009 Emmy Awards were announced this morning. 30 Rock and Mad Me n led their fields with 22 and 16 nominations, respectively. Sadly, there was no love for The Hills or The Bachelor in the Best Drama category, but here’s a full list of major nominees: Outstanding Comedy Series Entourage Family Guy Flight of the Conchords How I Met Your Mother The Office 30 Rock Weeds Tina Fey, seen here holding last year’s Emmy, and Alec Baldwin bring the funny to 30 Rock every Thursday night

See the rest here:
Emmy Award Nominations: 30 Rock, Mad Men Dominate
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged Actress, bachelor, brian-cranston, bring-the-funny, Comedy, comedy-series, conchords, Funny, Gossip, louise-parker, office, sarah-silverman, saving-grace, theory, united-states