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#SaysWho: Donald Trump’s Lawyer Getting Roasted By CNN Anchor Results In Twitter Hilarity

Twitter Reacts To Donald Trump’s Lawyer Getting Roasted On CNN Donald Trump and his dumpster fire campaign continues to play themselves and we continue to marvel at their stupidity. Last night, CNN’s Briana Keilar interviewed Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, and once again we were treated to a bit of pure political comedy… This is just fantastic @brikeilarcnn https://t.co/s7nCNTO6gc — Dylan Byers (@DylanByers) August 17, 2016 These people are absolutely incredible. They literally have NO idea what the hell they’re doing. Flip the page to see some of the funniest reactions to this oblivious ridiculousness. Image via YouTube

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#SaysWho: Donald Trump’s Lawyer Getting Roasted By CNN Anchor Results In Twitter Hilarity