Tag Archives: brings-balance

Eric Williams Tried To “Cast The Demon” Out Of Jennifer

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“I have exercised the demon” at least that’s what Eric Williams claims he was trying to do to Jennifer Williams on last week’s preview of the Basketball Wive’s final episode. Eric threw a drink in Jenn’s face before making a dramatic- movie scene exit. He took to Twitter to respond to the negative press he has been receiving: “Shiddd!! Jesus had 2 cast out 7 Demons from that One Hoe Mary!! She turned out fine, So why u Hoes Mad at Me… LMAO!!” “Ahh. I [see] things [are] back to normal on my page. Hoes Hating cause I through HOE-LY Water on a Woman who had a Demon in her. I tried 2 Cast it out!” I hope Eric realizes how much cornier he has become! Spotted @ Necole Bitchie.com 4 Things Wrong With Eric Williams Throwing A Drink In Jennifer’s Face Royce Reed Says She Brings Balance To Basketball Wives [EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW]

Eric Williams Tried To “Cast The Demon” Out Of Jennifer

Eric Williams Tried To “Cast The Demon” Out Of Jennifer

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“I have exercised the demon” at least that’s what Eric Williams claims he was trying to do to Jennifer Williams on last week’s preview of the Basketball Wive’s final episode. Eric threw a drink in Jenn’s face before making a dramatic- movie scene exit. He took to Twitter to respond to the negative press he has been receiving: “Shiddd!! Jesus had 2 cast out 7 Demons from that One Hoe Mary!! She turned out fine, So why u Hoes Mad at Me… LMAO!!” “Ahh. I [see] things [are] back to normal on my page. Hoes Hating cause I through HOE-LY Water on a Woman who had a Demon in her. I tried 2 Cast it out!” I hope Eric realizes how much cornier he has become! Spotted @ Necole Bitchie.com 4 Things Wrong With Eric Williams Throwing A Drink In Jennifer’s Face Royce Reed Says She Brings Balance To Basketball Wives [EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW]

Eric Williams Tried To “Cast The Demon” Out Of Jennifer