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Being a villain on reality television obviously isn’t as lucrative for everybody as it was for Omarosa. Former basketball player and reality star Eric Williams…
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Being a villain on reality television obviously isn’t as lucrative for everybody as it was for Omarosa. Former basketball player and reality star Eric Williams…
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Being a villain on reality television obviously isn’t as lucrative for everybody as it was for Omarosa. Former basketball player and reality star Eric Williams…
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“I have exercised the demon” at least that’s what Eric Williams claims he was trying to do to Jennifer Williams on last week’s preview of the Basketball Wive’s final episode. Eric threw a drink in Jenn’s face before making a dramatic- movie scene exit. He took to Twitter to respond to the negative press he has been receiving: “Shiddd!! Jesus had 2 cast out 7 Demons from that One Hoe Mary!! She turned out fine, So why u Hoes Mad at Me… LMAO!!” “Ahh. I [see] things [are] back to normal on my page. Hoes Hating cause I through HOE-LY Water on a Woman who had a Demon in her. I tried 2 Cast it out!” I hope Eric realizes how much cornier he has become! Spotted @ Necole 4 Things Wrong With Eric Williams Throwing A Drink In Jennifer’s Face Royce Reed Says She Brings Balance To Basketball Wives [EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW]
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged audio, brings-balance, Carter, celeb news, dramatic-movie, eric williams, invalid, money-screwed, Music, News, rocko-brings, royce reed, stars, tha carter iv, wayne-sued
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This morning I was greeted by my male co-worker with “What’s up with that girl Eric Williams?” Not the normal “Good Morning” I usually receive but this acknowledgment was more intriguing. Being that I missed the coveted Basketball Wives last night, I was oblivious to the fact that Eric Williams threw a drink in Jennifer’s face. The two are going through a bitter and seemingly endless divorce. It took Jenn years to finally come-to terms with divorcing the man who had cheated on her and for the most part neglected her feelings with no remorse. As I read several blogs to figure out why Eric would throw a drink in his almost ex-wife’s face, I realized that he absolutely no right to do so, especially after being the a**hole in their entire relationship and stint on Basketball Wives. Throwing a drink as a male, is probably the most b*tcha**ness I have seen (on Television) in a while. So here are my four things wrong with Eric throwing a drink in Jennifer’s face: 4. Throwing a drink is not the alternative for domestic violence. It does not make it any better than if you were to physically hit her. It’s all bad! 3. You did her wrong in the relationship, not the other way around: How dare you throw a drink, as if Jennifer dragged you through relationship trenches. If anyone is to throw a beverage it should be Jen, straight at the lump on your head! 2. You are a man! Men don’t throw drinks, especially at women. 1. Jen’s perm has been ruined and so has that fabric of lovely dress! The Interview That Ended Jennifer & Evelyn’s Friendship [VIDEO] “Basketball Wives” Star Jennifer Williams Finally Files For Divorce
4 Things Wrong With Eric Williams Throwing A Drink In Jennifer’s Face
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged alternative, ended-jennifer, eric williams, finally-files, invalid, jennifer, jennifer williams, Television, TMZ, video
Now that we’ve cleaned the spit spray that resulted from laughing so hard off our monitor, we thought we’d share the Twitter Beef that went down between retired NBA player and Power 105 personality Charlamagne Tha God this morning. Shaunie O’Neal stopped by Power 105′s Breakfast Club Morning Show and somehow Eric Williams’ name got brought into it. Next thing you know — Eric and C are beefin’ over who is more “cosmetically challenged.” It all started with this Tweet from @cthagod this morning: Keep reading for the rest of the tweets and don’t forget to vote in our poll at the end.
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When Beef Gets UGLY: Charlamagne Tha God Vs. Eric Williams Which One Would You Hit?
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff
Tagged 105-personality, bennyhollywood, black celebrity gossip, charlamagne tha god, cthagod-tweet, eric williams, Hollywood, morning, nba, power, stars, TMZ, twitter files
Now that we’ve cleaned the spit spray that resulted from laughing so hard off our monitor, we thought we’d share the Twitter Beef that went down between retired NBA player and Power 105 personality Charlamagne Tha God this morning. Shaunie O’Neal stopped by Power 105′s Breakfast Club Morning Show and somehow Eric Williams’ name got brought into it. Next thing you know — Eric and C are beefin’ over who is more “cosmetically challenged.” It all started with this Tweet from @cthagod this morning: Keep reading for the rest of the tweets and don’t forget to vote in our poll at the end.
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When Beef Gets UGLY: Charlamagne Tha God Vs. Eric Williams Which One Would You Hit?
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff
Tagged black celebrity gossip, breakfast-club, Celebrity News, charlamagne, cthagod-tweet, eric williams, from-laughing, Hollywood, invalid, monitor, morning, nba, tweets, Twitter, twitter beef
Last night’s episode of VH1′s “Basketball Wives” featured a very uncomfortable, albeit way overdue between the show’s one original married couple: Eric and Jennifer Williams. And it raised a few questions. Primarily we wondered why Jennifer was holding on so tightly to a loveless marriage, one in which she can’t even get in touch with her husband from one day to the next. Like Eric, we wanted to know why drama queen Jenn wouldn’t just walk away from a situation that clearly makes her so unhappy. Then, tapping in to a rare moment of depth, Jenn said something profound: married couples fall in and out of love all the time. What makes the marriage last is the couple’s dedication to making it work. So we ask you, if the love is gone, do you tough it out until it’s back? Or is the absence of love the greatest reason to walk away from your marriage?
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For Discussion: If The Love Is Gone, Should You Leave The Marriage Or Wait For Love To Return
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff
Tagged absence, celeb news, Celebrity News, eric williams, for the fellas, greatest-reason, Hollywood, jennifer, jesus take the wheel, Love, question of the day, stars, time, wives
Last night’s episode of VH1′s “Basketball Wives” featured a very uncomfortable, albeit way overdue between the show’s one original married couple: Eric and Jennifer Williams. And it raised a few questions. Primarily we wondered why Jennifer was holding on so tightly to a loveless marriage, one in which she can’t even get in touch with her husband from one day to the next. Like Eric, we wanted to know why drama queen Jenn wouldn’t just walk away from a situation that clearly makes her so unhappy. Then, tapping in to a rare moment of depth, Jenn said something profound: married couples fall in and out of love all the time. What makes the marriage last is the couple’s dedication to making it work. So we ask you, if the love is gone, do you tough it out until it’s back? Or is the absence of love the greatest reason to walk away from your marriage?
Originally posted here:
For Discussion: If The Love Is Gone, Should You Leave The Marriage Or Wait For Love To Return