Source: Kevin Mazur Archive/WireImage / Getty Death Row ‘American Dream/American Knightmare’ Trailer Death Row Records is coming to your living room. The world’s most notorious record label is finally getting their story told from the roota to the toota. Director Antoine Fuqua along with the folks at Showtime have put together a documentary called American Dream/American Knightmare and the first trailer looks incredible. Press play and get into it.
BLACK WHITE & BLUE from TOP OF THE FOOD CHAIN FILMS, LLC on Vimeo . Charlamagne Tha God, Toure And More Featured In Documentary About Trump’s America We’d been waiting to share this one with you guys. We previously reported about the ‘Black, White And Blue’ film while it was still in production, but the film which explores police shootings of unarmed black people, the rise of Donald Trump and the ongoing racism in America is finally available after being released online on Oct 22, 2018 on Vimeo. The documentary was also recently added to Amazon on Nov 2, 2018. Charlamagne and Toure are among the cultural commentators featured in the project. 100% black owned, ‘Black, White And Blue’ was independently funded by and produced by Curtis Scoon for Top Of The Food Chain Films, LLC and directed and edited by Asia Norris. Theme song Black White & Blue” by Alexis Glenn is available on iTunes and all streaming sites. If you’re interested in watching you can see it on Vimeo HERE and Amazon HERE. Visit for more information.
Source: Ilya S. Savenok / Getty Snoop Dogg To Receieve Star On Hollywood Walk Of Fame Snoop Dogg is finally getting his just due as one of the most unique, famous, and successful people that Hollyweird has ever laid eyes on. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Snoopy D-O-double-G will be receiving a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on this coming Monday, November 19. His star will be the 2651st monument and will lay literally right in front of Jimmy Kimmel Live! studios. “Snoop Dogg is one of those people who can do anything. He raps, he acts, he hosts a television show, he cooks, and helps community kids with his philanthropic work,” said Ana Martinez, producer of the Hollywood Walk of Fame. “He is a man of the ages and we welcome him to our Hollywood Walk of Fame.” Jimmy will be on hand to honor the Doggfather along with his legendary producer Dr. Dre and another icon in Qunicy Jones. Sounds like it’s going to be one helluva ceremony. Someone better keep an eye on Quincy when he gets on the mic. Ain’t no telling what past secrets he’s liable to divulge about some party he and Snoop went to back in the day. We’re just sayin’… Congrats to Snoop! He’s the kush-scented Black excellence that we all deserve.
Source: Ilya S. Savenok / Getty Snoop Dogg To Receieve Star On Hollywood Walk Of Fame Snoop Dogg is finally getting his just due as one of the most unique, famous, and successful people that Hollyweird has ever laid eyes on. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Snoopy D-O-double-G will be receiving a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on this coming Monday, November 19. His star will be the 2651st monument and will lay literally right in front of Jimmy Kimmel Live! studios. “Snoop Dogg is one of those people who can do anything. He raps, he acts, he hosts a television show, he cooks, and helps community kids with his philanthropic work,” said Ana Martinez, producer of the Hollywood Walk of Fame. “He is a man of the ages and we welcome him to our Hollywood Walk of Fame.” Jimmy will be on hand to honor the Doggfather along with his legendary producer Dr. Dre and another icon in Qunicy Jones. Sounds like it’s going to be one helluva ceremony. Someone better keep an eye on Quincy when he gets on the mic. Ain’t no telling what past secrets he’s liable to divulge about some party he and Snoop went to back in the day. We’re just sayin’… Congrats to Snoop! He’s the kush-scented Black excellence that we all deserve.
Source: Jason LaVeris / Getty On episode 3 of Insecure, we are sent through a whirlwind of emotions. On this week’s episode, we dive deeper into Issa and Daniel’s platonic relationship, Daniel struggles with compromising his musical sound to land a placement with a major artist, Issa has lost her love for her job and we’re finally getting to see Molly experience her first few days at an all black law firm. Everyone on the show is seemingly struggling with decisions they’ve made but one thing we can always count on is an amazing soundtrack each episode. This episode has fewer songs than we’re used to but each one is worthy of its place on the show. Check them all out below. Peyton – “Sweet Honey” “Sweet Honey” was written by Peyton and produced by Chase of Nazareth. Peyton is an R&B singer from Houston, Texas. She released her debut project, Roller Coaster in December 2015. “Sweet Honey” came soon after. Hit the flip for more tracks you should lace your playlist with.
Kate Upton is in Miami shooting a lingerie campaign for a lingerie company, because apparently, companies still think Kate Upton matters, and will sell product, even though it’s not 5 years ago, but I guess in the defence of the lingerie company, they are European and have no real clue what’s going on in the US market, and figure “this bitch is expensive, she must sell product, let’s use her”…when in reality, there are so many better options for them… What I find interesting in this shoot, is not Kate Upton’s finally getting in shape after years of being massive, fat, and weird looking, I find the tits still winner, especially when pushed the fuck up… What I find interesting is when cross referencing her tits with her paparazzi pics, I just can’t buy into her nonsense…her body is weird looking, she terrifies me, even when naked, but I guess when naked or half naked, I can be distracted by the huge tits and forget how weird the rest of her is.. WHO KNOWS…but it’s weird… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS oF HER WALKING CLICK HERE The post Kate Upton’s Body is So Fucking Weird of the Day appeared first on .
If you watch Teen Mom 2 online , then by now you’re probably already aware that Kailyn Lowry is pregnant. Of course, her third pregnancy has been featured on the show yet, but fans have turned it into their own social media soap opera that now overshadows the events of last season. Most of the online scrutiny has to do with the identity of Kailyn’s baby daddy . Fan theories range from the plausible (It’s probably Chris Lopez.) to the sublimely ridiculous. (There’s a rumor that Kailyn is pregnant by rapper Peter Gunz .) But today there’s a new Kailyn rumor making the rounds, and for once, it has nothing to do with the question of who knocked her up. According to Radar Online, L owry already has a plastic surgery session scheduled for after she gives birth. News of the appointment comes from Dr. Michael Salzhauer, aka Dr. Miami, the same surgeon who performed Kailyn’s Brazilian butt lift back in January of 2016. “Kailyn is scheduling to have plastic surgery with me after she has this baby,” Salzhauer tells Radar. Citing doctor-patient confidentiality (which he already kinda blew by talking about the appointment at all), Salzhauer refused to go into specifics with regard to what procedures Kailyn is planning to undergo. But tellingly, he did spend a lot of time talking about the relationship between “There is a myth that you can only have a tummy tuck once you are done having kids,” he spilled. “But it’s not really true. You can have a tummy tuck after your first kid and if you get pregnant you can have another one. The body is amazingly elastic.” So there you have it. We think it’s safe to say Kailyn will be undergoing a tummy tuck following her third pregnancy. Obviously, she’s not alone, as the majority of the stars of the Teen Mom franchise have had some sort of work done over the years. Try watching old seasons of the shows and doing a shot every time you notice a major and unnatural change in one of the girls’ appearance. Actually, don’t do that. You’ll die of alcohol poisoning before you even make it to TM2, and we don’t need that on our conscience. View Slideshow: Kailyn Lowry: Timeline of a Turbulent Teen Mom Life
It’s been a good few years for TV revivals, huh? Netflix has brought back shows like Arrested Development and Full House, as well as the limited run of Gilmore Girls, and various television networks are reviving The X-Files , Twin Peaks, and Will & Grace. Considering all that, it’s easy to look back at some of the best TV shows of yesteryear and think about which ones deserve another shot, you know? And few shows could use another go-round as much as Roseanne. Roseanne, the blue collar sitcom created by legendary comedian Roseanne Barr, ran for nine seasons, from 1988 to 1997. It was full of great moments, great actors … all in all, it really was a wonderful show. And that’s why, joy of all joys, a revival is in the works ! The new series will last for eight episodes, with Roseanne and Sara Gilbert, who played Roseanne’s daughter Darlene, signed on as executive producers. Roseanne, Sara, and John Goodman are the only actors signed onto the project so far, with other stars like Laurie Metcalf and Johnny Galecki still in negotiations. Right now there’s no official deal, but networks like ABC and Netflix are bidding on the rights to the revival. It’s all so exciting, right? And honestly, it’s a little confusing, too. For one, John Goodman is returning, but — spoiler alert — his character died in the series finale. Or, well, actually he died in the season 8 finale, but in the series finale Roseanne revealed that the entire final season had been a figment of her imagination, which went into overdrive as she mourned the loss of her husband. She also explained that several elements of the series weren’t actually true: her sister, Jackie, was a lesbian, and her daughters had really ended up with each other’s spouses. See what we mean about it being confusing? To add another element of confusion, in a 2009 blog post, Roseanne gave an update on where she felt the characters would be today. In the post, she said that the Roseanne character, along with Jackie, opened up Landford, Illinois’ first medical marijuana dispensary, saving the house from foreclosure (remember, they never won the lottery). She wrote that “David leaves Darlene for a woman half his age,” then “Darlene meets a woman and they have a test tube baby,” which doesn’t take into account that in the finale she said that David actually ended up with Becky. (And also David would never .) Becky “works at Walmart,” and Mark “dies in Iraq,” which is especially tragic since the actor that played Mark, Glenn Quinn, died from a heroin overdose in 2002. DJ “gets published,” and Dan, who supposedly died of a heart attack at Darlene’s wedding? He “shows up alive after faking his death.” It would be bizarre if the revival followed this storyline, but Roseanne is the show’s creator, and it would explain how John Goodman is signed on to return. But really, whatever happens, we’re definitely looking forward to a return of Roseanne. Especially if it somehow eases the pain and confusion of that last season. View Slideshow: 19 TV & Movie Casts Who Have Come Back Together
Kanye's Phone Convo with Taylor Swift discussing #Famous . — DistinctHype (@DistinctHype) July 18, 2016 Kim Kardashian Outs Taylor Swift So let’s backtrack. Earlier this year, when Kanye West dropped his “Famous” song and it had the lines “I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex, Why? I made that b**** famous (God damn)” Taylor Swift let the world know she was outraged and didn’t approve. Kim and Kanye denied this for months and swore the rapper ran it by Swift first. Well now Kim K decided to reveal her master plan, dropping the actual phone conversation on Snapchat for the world to see. Swift was all aboard the song lyrics and even said she’d publicly endorse the song at the Grammys. As we know, that never happened. So it seems like she’s a liar and the Internet is finally getting her out of the paint. And whoever made this, I'm writing you into my will. — Kazeem Famuyide (@RealLifeKaz) July 18, 2016 See? So where are we now? Kim K is a down a$$ wife for defending her man. Kanye West seems like a standup guy and the pop darling of America is maybe a lying villain. What a time… Take a look at the Swift slander.