Drew Barrymore returns to theaters this week with co-star Adam Sandler, but to see her sand bags, check out 1993’s Doppelganger: The Evil Within . Also, J oy Bryant brings great joy to skin fans with the remake of About Last Night , and the cult classic Roadhouse hits Blu-ray.
Reality star, fashion designer and best-selling novelist Lauren Conrad poses topless in the May issue of Glamour , revealing a beautiful body in white bikini bottoms. File this under: Things You Didn’t See Coming This Morning Things That Should’ve Happened Years Ago Ironically, Conrad admits she’s normally shy about showing off her body, so much so that she doesn’t even wear swimsuits to the beach. Modesty is overrated, LC: “On the vacation to Cabo, I wore a bathing suit on the beach for the first time in years. Usually I’m just petrified,” says the former star of The Hills . “A couple of years ago someone zoomed in on my cellulite and it was so mean. I took it personally. I haven’t worn a bathing suit in L.A. in years.” Although the California native and author of The Fame Game (on sale today) isn’t planning a return to reality TV, she does spill some secrets about it: “During shooting, the producers would send us quick texts telling us what to talk about … They couldn’t walk through the shot so they’d just text me, like, ‘Hey, say something quick about this story line.’ That’s why we were always checking our phones!” Surprisingly brilliant, Hills . Lauren Conrad admits to Glamour that she doesn’t keep in touch with many of her former co-stars, saying that “The show is what brought a lot of us together, and when it was all gone, we didn’t have anything in common anymore.” Despite her fame, LC says she’s still the same girl she was before MTV. “The best way to stay grounded is to surround myself with friends and family who knew me way back when,” she says. “There’s nothing like cleaning my mom’s dishes or taking out the trash to remind me that I’m no different than anyone else.” It’s a nice sentiment, but we disagree. These Lauren Conrad pictures are quite different than those of the average person … in a very positive way.
Relax, people. That’s the general message the number-two man at Apple is delivering to fans reacting in outrage over the casting of Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs for an upcoming biopic of the late genius. In response to the filming of Jobs , which gets underway next month and which will follow the title character’s journey from “hippie to co-founder of Apple,” as producers have teased, Steve Wozniak has released the following statement: “There is probably little I can say, other than expressing my belief that this will be a great and popular film. I feel that Pirates of Silicon Valley was more interesting and grabbing and gets more play in schools of all levels than The Social Network. My hopes are that this film turns out as truthful and genuine as possible. I can’t judge that aspect until the film is done and I see it. As to the role of Steve Jobs I have little to say. Everyone has their own idea of who they think could play Steve the best. But when we started Apple at our young ages I decided not to put my nose and comments into every aspect of the company, like the color of boxes or the job responsibilities for a team. I would not step on the toes of people who had done these jobs for many years or decades. I would just do my engineering where I could not fail. So I look at the casting agencies and directors who are experts at casting. i trust that they considered all the relevant factors and made the best selection. The fear that many might have is that Ashton was selected because he’s ‘hot’ right now. But I feel that his selection was done in the most professional manner. And I’m glad that he’s onboard. I think he’ll put a lot into it and that he cares about this particular subject. It’s almost too bad that Steve Jobs is gone. His opinions and guidance, as to the story and film crew and cast would have been invaluable.”
Neil Patrick Harris has been tapped to host the Tony Awards for the third time, according to reports. The actor hosted the annual award show in 2009 and 2011. The 38-year-old How I Met Your Mother star, who will also be serving as a producer on this year’s telecast, confirmed the news in a statement. The 2012 Tony Awards air Sunday, June 10. “I’m thrilled to be a part of this year’s Tony Awards,” he said. “Not only will I be shining a spotlight on the best that Broadway has to offer, but hopefully I’ll score some free house seats to a show – or five!” Probably a fairly safe bet. “Neil is the ultimate showman,” adds CBS Entertainment’s Jack Sussman. “He brings great talent, energy and creativity to the Tony stage and usually a surprise or two. I can’t wait to see what he has in store this year.” [Photo: WENN.com]
My favorite piece of dried up leather, and I am talking about her pussy, is still in her bikini, just though I’d give you the heads up because it brings great joy to me, especailly because it is yellow and reminds me of a big ray of sunshine on a day I don’t want sunshine, because I am stranded in a desert with no water after a drinking binge led me there, you know something I’m not begging for, but something I’m willing to accept because it is jus the way it fuckin’ is, even though it will probably be the death of me.