Tag Archives: brought-hope

Amanda by Alessandro Casagrande for Purple of the Day

Whenever I see models I’ve never heard of posing naked and looking amazing…I am brought hope…or at least I am reminded that none of these “it girls” today actually matter, even though they think they do…because there is a world of fucking babes…willing to get naked…to get noticed so that they can emulate the careers of these other twats…because the money is easy.. So I don’t know who Amanda is…but I do know the work of Alessandro Casagrande …and it’s pretty good stuff…and I’m not just saying that because of the tits…or maybe I am.. The post Amanda by Alessandro Casagrande for Purple of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Amanda by Alessandro Casagrande for Purple of the Day

Emily Blunt is Not Hot of the Day

If there is any debate that this bitch Emily Blunt is a hot chick or not, you know the kind of debate virgin losers have over RPG games, then these pictures should clear it up, because I don’t know about you, but when I look at them there is nothing I want to fuck off of her with my dick….the only thing I want to do is steal her stash of chocolate out of her purse and give it to the poor kids, I’m like Robin Hood….and even in a see through kind of t-shirt all I see is dumpy….Send her back to where she’s from and give an America girl a chance for a change…

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Emily Blunt is Not Hot of the Day

Natalie Portman Looks Better in Lesbian Scenes Than Mom Scenes of the Day

You know what ruins a bitch…pregnancy… There is just nothing hot, except maybe the breast feeding in public, the open-mindedness to wearing tight pants to the gym to kill the pregnancy weight, the fact that their miserable decision will lead to straying from the dream they thought they were living before realizing it was hell…..about motherhood. Here is Natalie Portman a favorite to jewish guys and nerds alike cuz she once brought hope but now brings disappointment….

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Natalie Portman Looks Better in Lesbian Scenes Than Mom Scenes of the Day