Tag Archives: brought-the-joy

When Santa Claus Is Really Idris Elba

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Source: Samir Hussein / Getty This Christmas season, we want to continue and highlight all the ways you can give back  this holiday season.  Idris Elba and rapper Stormzy  definitely showed folks how it’s done when they visited the children’s ward of a hospital. The two stopped by Newham and Whipps Cross in London to pass out gifts to young patients. They didn’t just stop by in any old ugly Christmas sweater. They came fully decked in Santa Claus gear. Team Santa with @Stormzy1 What a great moment which hopefully brought smiles to all the children at Newham and Whipps Cross Hospital pic.twitter.com/jPDTbg3GGT — Idris Elba (@idriselba) December 15, 2017 Swipe through to see how Team Santa brought the joy for children and staff. Maybe, it’ll give you some ideas for spreading love during the holiday season.

When Santa Claus Is Really Idris Elba