Tag Archives: brown-incident

Ferguson PD Finally Files Mike Brown Incident Report, Refuses To Release Darren Wilson’s Personal Account

The report was created 10 days after the fact and surprise, surprise…there’s almost nothing in it. SMH. Ferguson, MO Police Department Make Delayed Mike Brown Incident Report Public Well at long last, here’s all that “ additional information ” police sympathizers have been urging us to wait for. What a big shocker…there is none. Via TIME : Nearly two weeks after Michael Brown’s death, a police report on the shooting has finally been made public. But the glaring lack of detail is likely to increase widespread criticism that the law-enforcement community is closing ranks around Darren Wilson, the officer who fatally shot Brown on Aug. 9. The incident report, filed by the St. Louis County police department, contains no new information on the encounter between Brown and Wilson. There are no written details about the event. As a result, the officer’s account of what transpired when the two men met just after noon on Aug. 9 remains a mystery. And it will be for some time, according to Brian Schellman, a spokesman for the St. Louis County police department. Schellman told TIME that the department does not intend to release the “investigative” component of the incident report, the part that details Wilson’s version of events. Schellman said that under the Missouri State “Sunshine” Law, the department was not required to release the information during a pending investigation. As a result, Wilson’s account of what happens will remain confidential unless it is presented by a prosecutor, Schellman said. “We will not release it,” said Schellman, who noted that this is the county’s normal procedure. “This isn’t any different than a typical larceny from a local convenience store.” Wilson never filed a report on the incident, according to the office of the St. Louis County prosecutor. The case was quickly turned over to the county at the request of local police. According to the document, the St. Louis County police entered the incident report on Aug. 19, 10 days after the shooting. It was approved for release the following morning. The bare facts of the incident report were made public after the ACLU of Missouri filed a lawsuit demanding the public documents, as pursuant to Missouri’s Sunshine Law. Why it took so long for the department to comply, considering the lack of information contained in the documented, is unclear. The ACLU could not immediately be reached for comment. So…the Ferguson Police Department has essentially said “F*** you, we don’t have to explain our side of the story.” Wow. Is this honestly how little Black life matters in this country???

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Ferguson PD Finally Files Mike Brown Incident Report, Refuses To Release Darren Wilson’s Personal Account