Tag Archives: brutal-evidence

Swirly Matrimony-dom Quote Of The Day: Donald Faison’s Wife Cacee Cobb Says “I’m Growing A Human While He’s Growing A Vajayjay!”

SMH @ this broad Cacee Cobb letting her gut full of homeboy give her reason to run her yap… Via US Weekly reports : Jessica Simpson’s BFF CaCee Cobb isn’t due to give birth for several months, but it sounds like she already has her hands full taking care of husband Donald Faison. On Wednesday, Feb. 20, the pregnant 31-year-old joked that the Scrubs actor, 38, wasn’t exactly living up to his role as man of the house while both were feeling under the weather. “I love how I’m sick and growing a human while Donald Faison is sick and growing a vag***,” the mom-to-be quipped on Twitter about her spouse of two months. (The couple wed at pal Zach Braff’s home in California on Dec. 15, 2012, a little over a year after they got engaged.) Cobb and Faison announced that they were expecting their first child together on Jan. 31, with a photo of a tiny T-shirt featuring a baby-sized Star Wars stormtrooper on Facebook. “Looks like Donald Faison and I are going to have a little stormtrooper of our own!” the soon-to-be first-time mom captioned the adorable snapshot. Faison — who has four kids from previous relationships, including three with ex-wife Lisa Askey — couldn’t be happier about his fifth little bundle of joy, even if (as Cobb’s tweet suggests) he’s being a bit of a baby himself at the moment. “I’m just excited for CaCee,” he told Us Weekly earlier this month. “She’s probably the most loving person I’ve ever met in my life.” He added: “And so for her to have a baby that she can love and you know, raise, and that we can raise together, and she can influence and teach and stuff like that, it just, I know that it’ll be a really good human being when it’s older.” Damn Donald… holler at us when you get your balls back. On a side note — as much as these two talk about their baby being a “human” we think they must read Bossip! Take good care of that gut full Cacee and stop neutering your man in public. Save that for behind closed doors. WENN

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Swirly Matrimony-dom Quote Of The Day: Donald Faison’s Wife Cacee Cobb Says “I’m Growing A Human While He’s Growing A Vajayjay!”

Art Imitates Life: Law & Order SVU To Air Chris Brown And Rihanna-Like Beating Episode

We’re actually surprised that it took this long. Law & Order SVU Airs Chris Brown And Rihanna Based Episode Via RadarOnline Stop if you’ve heard this one before: A stunning pop star (who answers to a single name) takes beating after beating from her also-famous boyfriend (whose initials are C.B.), but remains loyal to him in spite of the violence. Yes, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit is living up to its “ripped-from-the-headlines” reputation again, as next week’s episode, titled My Funny Valentine, has Detective Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay) handling the case of Joi (Starshell Menzies), who remains committed to Caleb Bryant (Eugene Jones). “What he did to you is despicable,” Benson tells Joi, before informing her cop colleagues that “Caleb has a hold on her” and “going against him feels impossible.” Of course, there’s too many coincidences to ignore the underlying Rihanna / Chris Brown theme this episode has written all over it — lavish red carpets, bulldog defense attorneys, brutal evidence photos — though in Dick Wolf‘s world, the character modeled after Brown appears to meet a grislier fate than his real-life counterpart, who is back together with the Barbadian beauty after four turmoil-drenched years. We know a lot of people that Stan out for Law & Order, but this episode sounds like it’s ripe for big ratings from folks that want to watch Caleb/”Chris” die for what he did to Joi/”Rihanna”. Image via Splash

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Art Imitates Life: Law & Order SVU To Air Chris Brown And Rihanna-Like Beating Episode