Tag Archives: bucks county

No More R&Pee?: RCA/Sony Reportedly Puts New R. Kelly Music On Hold

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Source: Scott Legato / Getty With the loss of support from past collaborators in the wake of the Lifetime docu-series, Surviving R. Kelly , the R&B singer is now potentially without a record label to push new music. According to sources, RCA/Sony is putting new music from R. Kelly on hold while pending criminal investigations are looming. TMZ reports : Sources familiar with R. Kelly’s contract and dealings with RCA/Sony tell us … the label will not produce any of the singer’s new music, it will not put money behind any of his projects, and it will not release any additional music until the criminal investigations in Georgia and Atlanta and other fallout resolve one way or the other. We’re told R. Kelly is pissed because he’s been in the studio recording new music to fulfill the obligations under his RCA contract … which requires 2 new albums. Our sources say he’s especially annoyed RCA/Sony won’t provide money for music videos. RCA/Sony is in a tough spot — they can read the tea leaves and know they will have hell to pay in terms of PR if they release R. Kelly’s songs in the wake of the growing #muteRkelly movement. On the other hand, the label has a deal with R. Kelly, and if they formally walk away from him now without any criminal charges to justify ending the contract … they could be sued. We don’t know if there’s a “morals clause” in R. Kelly’s contract … which would allow the label to give him the boot for crossing the line. The outlet adds that Kelly has been continually dropping new music via the streaming service Soundcloud, a far distance from the big budget marketing rollouts he would enjoy under his recording contract. — Photo: Getty

No More R&Pee?: RCA/Sony Reportedly Puts New R. Kelly Music On Hold

Huge Georgia Drug Bust Leads To $3.5 Million In Meth Of The Streets

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Source: South_agency / Getty According to FOX 5 , Bucks County, GA Police busted  a multi-million-dollar drug trafficking ring in Georgia after a 5-month long investigation, arresting 14 people. Authorities believe the perpetrators to be apart of the Larry ‘Lil Man’ Fricks’ drug organization. The bust was 100 kilograms of meth with a street  value  of $3.5 million. RELATED:  Atlanta Scammers Are Pretending To Be The Gwinnett Police CLICK HERE TO READ MORE

Huge Georgia Drug Bust Leads To $3.5 Million In Meth Of The Streets

Huge Georgia Drug Bust Leads To $3.5 Million In Meth Of The Streets

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Source: South_agency / Getty According to FOX 5 , Bucks County, GA Police busted  a multi-million-dollar drug trafficking ring in Georgia after a 5-month long investigation, arresting 14 people. Authorities believe the perpetrators to be apart of the Larry ‘Lil Man’ Fricks’ drug organization. The bust was 100 kilograms of meth with a street  value  of $3.5 million. RELATED:  Atlanta Scammers Are Pretending To Be The Gwinnett Police CLICK HERE TO READ MORE

Huge Georgia Drug Bust Leads To $3.5 Million In Meth Of The Streets