Tag Archives: budget-deficit

PETA Offers To Help Kansas Overcome Budget Deficit By Paying For Anti-Fishing Sign

Pisces the constellation. Image credit: Aspin, 1825, via University of Oklahoma “History of Science” exhibit Hoping for a way to sustain the world’s fisheries? PETA has a better idea: end fishing. Immediately on reading the headline ” PETA offers state budget help with anti-fishing sign ,” which was published at State House Live , I thought PETA is like a technical rock climber grabbing for whatever ledge i… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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PETA Offers To Help Kansas Overcome Budget Deficit By Paying For Anti-Fishing Sign

Chicago shuts down on Monday to save money

In the first of three Reduced Service days, rubbish collections were suspended and libraries and health centres were closed. Workers have been asked to take an enforced unpaid holiday in a move the authorities hope will save $8.3m. Chicago's Mayor Richard M Daley thanked state employees for their “sacrifice”.

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Chicago shuts down on Monday to save money

US budget deficit at $1 trillion

” The US budget deficit has moved above $1 trillion (£616bn) for the first time – with three months of the financial year remaining, official data show. The government stepped up spending to counter the recession,…

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US budget deficit at $1 trillion

June budget gap $94.32 billion, record for June (Reuters)

Reuters – The U.S.

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June budget gap $94.32 billion, record for June