Tag Archives: buffy-or-austin

Seth Green Gets Pussy of the Day

Whenever I see Seth Green with his Fiance, I laugh at the fact that this red haired troll of a human can get fucking pussy. Partially because it was not that long ago that when people had little midget red-headed babies, they assumed they were sent from fucking the devil so they would leave them in the woods to fend for themselves, I saw Willow, I know how shit went down….but also because I know she’s not with him cuz she’s turned on by him or because she’s a Buffy or Austin Powers even because he’s so funny or cool, cuz she could just be friends with him if that was the case, and I’m sure he’s desperate for friends, thanks to being really fucking annoying…she’s with him cuz she has convinced herself that it will bring her the good life, give her exposure and it’s amazing that you can’t get laid, but this fucker can. Good times… Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Seth Green Gets Pussy of the Day