Tag Archives: burial-expenses

Well Isn’t That Special: The Rolling Stones Pay Their Dues To Black Blues Greats By Funding Funerals For Late Legends

Good Samaritans or white guilt at work ? It’s no secret that many great white rock and pop acts owe their sound and swag to black music, but it may come as a surprise that some artists have stepped up to the plate to give back to those less fortunate after their passing. According to National Enquirer reports : ROCK ’N’ ROLL SECRET: Too many white-boy rock groups (especially you, Led Zeppelin!) NEVER acknowledged their debt to those old-timey black blues musicians whose art they ripped off – but the Rolling Stones just can’t stop payin’ it back! Said a longtime business associate/close friend of the aging rockers: “It’s a little-known fact, but MICK JAGGER and the guys pay for the funerals of ALL the old bluesmen and blueswomen – most recently picking up burial expenses for the late, great ETTA JAMES and blues guitarist HUBERT SUMLIN. And nobody knows this because Mick and The Stones work hard to keep it quiet!” Kudos to the Stones. Can you think of some other white groups that owe a debt to black music? WENN

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Well Isn’t That Special: The Rolling Stones Pay Their Dues To Black Blues Greats By Funding Funerals For Late Legends