Tag Archives: business-cards

Now From Ponoko: The Laser Deli And Printed Turkey

Ponoko just keeps moving from idea to idea, creating a marketplace for CNC designs and recently into 3D printing. But just in time for the holiday season you can now see everything from 3D printed turkey to laser etched ham. You can even get laser-etched meat jerky business cards that are extremely practical: Should you find that your corporate team building dog sledding exercise through the snowy wilderness has gone awry, DO NOT eat your teamm… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Now From Ponoko: The Laser Deli And Printed Turkey

New Sport Alert: Business Card Throwing

This guy throws business cards like a baseball with extreme precision. I could totally see this as a Hong Kong action thriller, where he goes around slitting the throats of bad guys with business cards. Watch

Penny Shooter Business Card

Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh my God, it even has a watermark! The Penny Shooter Business Card allows you to load up to ten US pennies and fire them off in rapid succession! I feel like a little kid, get the prototype here .

See the original post:
Penny Shooter Business Card