Tag Archives: buy nothing

ShopNothing Helps You Buy Nothing

Image: ShopNothing How was your “buy nothing” day? Did you really buy nothing? Did you miss that rush, the unmistakable high of exchanging your musty old cash for something you can brag to your friends about, or for the gift that will simply take the breath away when your intended recipient discovers your thoughtful extravagance? Are you forced to face the facts that you have a consumption addiction? That you may have honored buy nothing day, only to push the next consumption “fix” off until another day? Then you need to check out ShopNothing. Where you can “buy nothing”, or buy “not… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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ShopNothing Helps You Buy Nothing

Forever Frugal? Survey Confirms Persistent Frugality

Photo: found at OC Register 50% of Americans had reduced their electronics and apparel expenditures in the past 12 months, according to a survey conducted by management consulting firm, Booz & Company . They sum up their findings saying that “the impact of the brutal recession of 2008-2009 has resulted in lasting changes in consumer behaviors, and disruptive changes in the consumer goods and retail landscapes.” they go on to suggest that these, “self-reported changes in consumer behavior, ev… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Forever Frugal? Survey Confirms Persistent Frugality