Tag Archives: buying-the-new

Playboy Pushes Up Release Date After Lindsay Lohan Pics Leak Online

Playboy probably saw this coming. Lindsay Lohan ‘s Playboy debut has been internet catnip for LiLo lovers and haters alike, so rather than pull pics anonymously leaked online last week, robe-wearer-in-chief Hugh Hefner tweeted Friday: “Because of the interest & the Internet leak, we’re releasing the Lindsay Lohan issue early” …though he didn’t specify exactly when “early” would be. He went on to elaborate on the change: “The Lindsay Lohan issue of Playboy is going to be a true Collector’s Edition. Lindsay Lohan was the top search name on the Internet yesterday. Her issue goes on sale late next week. Hot. Hot. Hot.” An interesting response from a magazine some have alleged is hopelessly behind the times…rather than fight the online tide, they’ve decided to just roll with it. So what’s your take, Skin fans? Will you be buying the new issue of Playboy , or is seeing the pics online enough to satisfy your curiosity? Pique your skinterest with Lindsay Lohan right here at MrSkin.com

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Playboy Pushes Up Release Date After Lindsay Lohan Pics Leak Online