Tag Archives: cabrera-tattoo

Lindsay Lohan: Not Pregnant, Thank Goodness

Lindsay Lohan is not pregnant. Not that we ever really believed she was, but it’s good to know for sure, for the sake of the actress and society at large. The rumor came courtesy of last night’s Lindsay Lohan pregnant Tweet, in which the star wrote a simple declaration: “Its official … pregnant.” Well, it’s now official. She was just kidding around. The 26-year-old star posted on her Twitter April 2: “April Fools. Where’s everyone’s sense of humor?” LL was likely responding to some of the comedic backlash she received, as the Twitterverse largely scoffed at her belated attempt at April Fools humor. First of all, who posts an April Fools joke at 10:35 p.m. PACIFIC time. Second, pregnancy is not a laughing matter when you’re a complete mess at life. Then again, lateness is a Lohan specialty … she was an hour tardy to her crucial court hearing, and also missed a flight back to the U.S. from Brazil Monday. Just be glad her periods have come on time.

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Lindsay Lohan: Not Pregnant, Thank Goodness

Ryan Gosling Tattoo: It’s Real, Ryan Cabrera Swears!

This is one way to guarantee yourself attention on the red carpet. Ryan Cabrera showed up for an event in Las Vegas this week with a brand new tattoo on his lower right leg. Yes, that really is Ryan Gosling ‘s face… “Me and my buddy, we go in [the tattoo parlor] and he chooses one thing off the wall for me, then I choose one thing for him,” Cabrera told Lance Bass on SiriusXM last month, swearing the ink is real. “You can’t see it until after it’s done and then we unveil them at the same time.” The artist added that “the only rules are that it can’t be religious and it can’t offend anybody.” So, what did he choose for his pal? The tattoo of a Hershey’s Kiss. What do you think of a Ryan Gosling leg tattoo? It is…   HOT! WEIRD! View Poll »

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Ryan Gosling Tattoo: It’s Real, Ryan Cabrera Swears!