Tag Archives: lindsey lohan

Shain Gandee Autopsy Confirms Cause of Death

For the first time since Shain Gandee died early yesterday morning, authorities have spoken out on the accident that took the life of this 21-year old and two others. “Foul play has been ruled out,” Kanawha County Commissioner Kent Carper of West Virginia told People, while an autopsy has confirmed yesterday’s hypothesis: All three victims died from c arbon monoxide poisoning. As previously reported: Ganee was last seen around 3 a.m. on Sunday, telling people he was going four-wheeling with his uncle David. The bodies of Shain, David and an unidentified woman were found in a Ford Bronco yesterday, submerged up to its windows in mud. In response, Shain’s cousin is organizing a mud run tomorrow to raise funeral funds . And the mayor of Charleston, West Virginia has called on MTV to cancel Buckwild . Wrote Gandee’s cousin, Ashley Gandee Lewis, on Facebook: “The family feels that Shain died peacefully in his sleep without pain or suffering.”

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Shain Gandee Autopsy Confirms Cause of Death

Lindsay Lohan: Not Pregnant, Thank Goodness

Lindsay Lohan is not pregnant. Not that we ever really believed she was, but it’s good to know for sure, for the sake of the actress and society at large. The rumor came courtesy of last night’s Lindsay Lohan pregnant Tweet, in which the star wrote a simple declaration: “Its official … pregnant.” Well, it’s now official. She was just kidding around. The 26-year-old star posted on her Twitter April 2: “April Fools. Where’s everyone’s sense of humor?” LL was likely responding to some of the comedic backlash she received, as the Twitterverse largely scoffed at her belated attempt at April Fools humor. First of all, who posts an April Fools joke at 10:35 p.m. PACIFIC time. Second, pregnancy is not a laughing matter when you’re a complete mess at life. Then again, lateness is a Lohan specialty … she was an hour tardy to her crucial court hearing, and also missed a flight back to the U.S. from Brazil Monday. Just be glad her periods have come on time.

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Lindsay Lohan: Not Pregnant, Thank Goodness

SNL’s “The Real Housewives Of Disney” [VIDEO]

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Although Lindsay Lohan got bad reviews for her performance on Saturday Night Live this weekend, there were a few funny moments. If you missed it, “The Real Housewives of Disney” is a MUST watch. Can you tell which cast members they’re making fun of? Check out the video!

SNL’s “The Real Housewives Of Disney” [VIDEO]


Star Magazine was celebrating “Young Hollywood” last night.

Josh Duhamel Hits The Links

Josh Duhamel hit the driving range yesterday to work on his golf game. The Las Vegas star was with an unidentified female friend while his wife, Fergie was probably still in bed recovering from her performance with the Black Eyed Peas the day before.

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Josh Duhamel Hits The Links

Lindsay Lohan’s Escalade Escapade

Lindsay Lohan never seems to let us down. Every time we catch up to her during a night on the town, she gives us something to write about. This time the star turtled up into the fetal position in the backseat of her Escalade after leaving DRE’S nightclub at the W Hotel in Hollywood.

QUESTION OF THE DAY: Should Sandra Bullock Forgive Jesse James?

We want to know what think! Should Sandra Bullock forgive Jesse James? Click here to log onto our Facebook fan page and let us know what you think.

QUESTION OF THE DAY: Should Sandra Bullock Forgive Jesse James?

LiLo Went Out Last Night

Looks like Lindsay Lohan had fun at the Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles…

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LiLo Went Out Last Night

Bun On The Run

Lindsay Lohan made a mad dash past cameras on her way into a house party and narrowly avoided flashing a little booty. The star, who was on her way from the Tea-Room in Hollywood, was carrying a Red Bull in hand. But at her pace, it doesn’t really look like she needs it.

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Bun On The Run

Lindsay Lohan…Moving On?

Lindsay Lohan was spotted l eaving Bungalow 8 nightclub and going to The Den in London with none other than ex-boyfriend Calum Best . Could this be a sign that the star is finally over Samantha Ronson ?? For Lilo’s sanity sake… We can only hope.

Originally posted here:
Lindsay Lohan…Moving On?