Britney Spears really is back, bitches … and her brand-new video for Slumber Party is the hottest thing since Toxic . In Britney's new video , which has been viewed almost six million times in its first 24 hours, is hot beyond hot. And when we say “hot,” we don't mean just hot … we mean HAHT. HAWT. HAAAAAAAAHT. In the nearly x-rated music video — we can dream, right? — Britney looks the best she's ever looked. She's tight, she's toned, her dancing is spot-on … and that weird vacant look seems to have evaporated from her gaze. Things are looking up, and we mean that both metaphorically and literally. The video revolves around a party, featuring a bevy of scantily-clad figures, but none better-looking than that belonging to Britney, and ends up in a racy slumber party event. Tinashe was also there, somewhere, and we're pretty sure it's the other chick in the pic above with Brit, but we haven't looked hard enough to really confirm it. Eventually, the two begin making out, and oh goodness our eyes; our blessed eyes — they've not seen such glory in … well, perhaps ever. After sealing the deal with Tinashe, Brit makes her way onto her next victim — an extremely hot male guest. A Britney Spears threesome ? Who knows. Everybody at this point is in various states of undress, and it's so hot it hurts . Check out the Britney Spears video that everybody's talking about … you don't wanna miss out on this , that's for certain.
Original post:
Britney Spears Video Released: Watch, Drool Here!