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Daylight Saving Time 2016: IT’S (Almost) OVER!!!

Daylight Saving Time. It’s finally here, people. Almost. In just a few short hours, it will be, and when that time comes, we will in fact save daylight, turning the clocks back FOR GOOD. Or at least until March 12, 2017 arrives. Let’s break it all down real quick here: Sunday morning (November 6), Americans will come together and turn their clocks back. The savings of time? One … entire … hour. For all you Americans looking forward to a long, dark winter and the sun setting at freaking 4:00 on the east coast, it’s a thing of beauty. Which is virtually no one ever. But whatever. Hey, at least you get an extra hour of sleep! Well, unless you have kids who have no idea what the f–k is going on and just get up after X hours of sleep like they otherwise would. Okay, scratch that too. This sucks! Anyway, Daylight Saving Time remains inherently confusing for some people for some reason, which is why is THG is here to assist. See helpful graphics above. BAM!! If that’s still not sufficient, here’s a more detailed rundown of Daylight Saving Time 2016, and what you can expect next year, to boot: Daylight Saving Time began on Sunday, March 13 at 2 a.m. Time “springs” forward in the spring (how appropriate, as shown in the diagram below) and “falls” back by one hour (above, also fitting). TIP: Set your clocks ahead an hour before you go to bed. OR stay up until 2 a.m., turn the clocks to 1 a.m., then sleep. iPhones will do this automatically. Microwaves? Not so much. If you can’t figure out how to change the effing clock in your car, don’t worry. Make a mental (or Post-It) note that it’s fast until 3/12/16. It’ll start getting dark at f–king 4:30, as we said before. S–t. The concept of Daylight Saving Time dates all the way back to 1895, when the U.S. economy was much more agriculturally-based. In recent years, the duration of DST was extended to save energy nationwide. Translation: At least it’s not October-April? Standard Time is a misnomer, as it’s a shorter chunk of the year. In 2017, Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 12 (above). Arizona, Hawaii and Puerto Rico residents: Disregard. There you go, people. After processing all of this vitally insightful and crucial information, you can consider yourselves officially prepared. Up top!!

See original here:
Daylight Saving Time 2016: IT’S (Almost) OVER!!!

Daylight Saving Time 2014 Guide: All You Need to Know!

It’s about time, people. Literally and figuratively. See what we did there?! Daylight Saving Time begins this weekend, and not a moment too soon for Americans beaten down by the polar vortex and desperate for this long, dark winter to end. Daylight Saving Time is harbinger of spring and a cause for celebration. It’s also inherently confounding for millions of Americans. Every year. Fortunately, THG is here to break it all down and help you through this. Here’s all that you need to know about Daylight Savings Time 2014: It begins officially tomorrow: Sunday, March 9 at 2 a.m. Time “springs” forward one hour (see infographic). Set your clocks ahead before you go to bed tonight. Done. Or stay up until 2 a.m., put ’em at 3, then hit the sack. BAM. Your iPhone should do this automatically. Your microwave? No. Yes, this means losing an hour of sleep in the morning. Boo. Especially if you have kids still on a nap schedule. Weak. But you get an extra hour of sun in the evening now. NICE. The concept of DST dates all the way back to 1895. It was recently extended in the U.S. to save energy use. Daylight Saving Time 2014 ends on Sunday, November 2. If you can’t figure out how to change the clock in your car, there is hope: Just make a mental (or Post-It) note that it’s an hour slow until 11/2. The concept was the brainchild of Ben Franklin. Who knew?! Arizona, Hawaii and Puerto Rico residents: Disregard. There you go: 14 easy steps to prep you for #DST14. Up top.

Go here to see the original:
Daylight Saving Time 2014 Guide: All You Need to Know!

QUESTION OF THE DAY: Should Sandra Bullock Forgive Jesse James?

We want to know what think! Should Sandra Bullock forgive Jesse James? Click here to log onto our Facebook fan page and let us know what you think.

QUESTION OF THE DAY: Should Sandra Bullock Forgive Jesse James?

LiLo Went Out Last Night

Looks like Lindsay Lohan had fun at the Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles…

Originally posted here:
LiLo Went Out Last Night

SNTV: Splash Fashion

It’s all about those fabulous fashions! Keep up-to-date with all the latest celebrity styles with Splash News TV’s dedicated fashion feed. Grab the embed code and put this automatically updated feed on your own website or blog.

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