#452338232 / gettyimages.com I guess someone’s realized that she was a bit of a cow…and no one likes cows…because she showed up to an event and looked like cow-like… #452324998 / gettyimages.com Maybe the black dress is slimming… #452324990 / gettyimages.com The cleavage used to balance out the rest of her – giving a focal point for us not to see the rest of the slop… #452315012 / gettyimages.com Maybe she’s doing the hands on her hips pose – that’s what all fat celebs do to look like they have a waist #452315016 / gettyimages.com Nope…that’s not it…I guess ….the spanx are on tight…or maybe..just maybe…she got a cook, trainer and put in some effort to be healthy and fit – cuz no one like fat chicks – not even fat chicks…we only celebrate their tits because that’s all they got going for them… I still prefer her nude selfies that her legal team made me take down YEARS ago, back when she was trying to get famous and succeeding… I don’t have them on the site anymore, but I am sure you can google them to see her at her prime…before money and fame changed her… MORE PICS HERE
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Top 10 Kat Dennings is Less Fat of the Day