Tag Archives: only-celebrate

Kitrysha Hot Shoot of the Day

This 22 year old Kitrysha who is a half Italian half Filipino is on another fucking level of perfect…or should I say pervert…posting up some heavily racy content in photoshoots that not only celebrate her tits like a typical young instagrammer trying to make it – but also her pussy. It’s fun for me to watch this shit, not just with Kitrysha, who you can email at kitrysha@gmail.com…..but with all these girls who are posting what they think is high concept art…or hipster art…through photohoots but that are not far off what we all used to jerk off to in Playboy in the 80s and 90s of girls who got fucking paid a lot to pose like that…and they are doing it for FREE…cuz it’s about the higher purpose or something. I don’t have the answers…I just have these pics and they are fucking brilliant…she’s hot, she knows how to pose, and amazingly is not a sex worker…but a model…. The world is mental. The post Kitrysha Hot Shoot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Kitrysha Hot Shoot of the Day

Top 10 Kat Dennings is Less Fat of the Day

#452338232 / gettyimages.com I guess someone’s realized that she was a bit of a cow…and no one likes cows…because she showed up to an event and looked like cow-like… #452324998 / gettyimages.com Maybe the black dress is slimming… #452324990 / gettyimages.com The cleavage used to balance out the rest of her – giving a focal point for us not to see the rest of the slop… #452315012 / gettyimages.com Maybe she’s doing the hands on her hips pose – that’s what all fat celebs do to look like they have a waist #452315016 / gettyimages.com Nope…that’s not it…I guess ….the spanx are on tight…or maybe..just maybe…she got a cook, trainer and put in some effort to be healthy and fit – cuz no one like fat chicks – not even fat chicks…we only celebrate their tits because that’s all they got going for them… I still prefer her nude selfies that her legal team made me take down YEARS ago, back when she was trying to get famous and succeeding… I don’t have them on the site anymore, but I am sure you can google them to see her at her prime…before money and fame changed her… MORE PICS HERE

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Top 10 Kat Dennings is Less Fat of the Day