Tag Archives: call-it-black

Nicki Minaj is Blue in Vogue of the Day

Nicki Minaj is so contemporary….She’s painted herself for Vogue like she was in Avatar…fucking innovation right here motherfuckers….even if her innovation forces the public to realize despite being full of shit, she’s not actually brown…or as you americans call it black. Sure her parents may be of African decent so she claims for rap legitimacy like Drake….but she’s whiter than Gaga…as white a suburban mall….as white a professional acting classes to be like Angelina…white….doing photoshoots like you’re in Avatar…white….nothing about her is original, urban, or inspiring… Except maybe her big tits but those come with a weight problem….and what it comes down to is that she looks best in this video…..

Excerpt from:
Nicki Minaj is Blue in Vogue of the Day