Tag Archives: acting-classes

Nicki Minaj is Blue in Vogue of the Day

Nicki Minaj is so contemporary….She’s painted herself for Vogue like she was in Avatar…fucking innovation right here motherfuckers….even if her innovation forces the public to realize despite being full of shit, she’s not actually brown…or as you americans call it black. Sure her parents may be of African decent so she claims for rap legitimacy like Drake….but she’s whiter than Gaga…as white a suburban mall….as white a professional acting classes to be like Angelina…white….doing photoshoots like you’re in Avatar…white….nothing about her is original, urban, or inspiring… Except maybe her big tits but those come with a weight problem….and what it comes down to is that she looks best in this video…..

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Nicki Minaj is Blue in Vogue of the Day

Nicki Minaj is Blue in Vogue of the Day

Nicki Minaj is so contemporary….She’s painted herself for Vogue like she was in Avatar…fucking innovation right here motherfuckers….even if her innovation forces the public to realize despite being full of shit, she’s not actually brown…or as you americans call it black. Sure her parents may be of African decent so she claims for rap legitimacy like Drake….but she’s whiter than Gaga…as white a suburban mall….as white a professional acting classes to be like Angelina…white….doing photoshoots like you’re in Avatar…white….nothing about her is original, urban, or inspiring… Except maybe her big tits but those come with a weight problem….and what it comes down to is that she looks best in this video…..

Excerpt from:
Nicki Minaj is Blue in Vogue of the Day

50 Cent to Britney Spears: Congrats, Girl!

Ever since Britney Spears got engaged to Jason Trawick last week, celebrities everywhere – and even K-Fed for that matter – have been wishing her all the best. One of more vocal supporters over the years (really) has been 50 Cent, who told told reporters at the VH1 Divas Celebrates Soul concert in NYC how happy he is. “I am so happy for her,” the rapper said , before musing, “Britney Spears had a rough time. The press took the biggest opportunity ever to dog her.” “When you reach that point, you work really hard to get where she is. It’s very interesting because the public likes to build you to destroy you for entertainment’s sake.” “I’m just really happy for her to be happy.” Fiddy continued by saying he thinks Britney is ready to be married for a third time (before K-Fed, she wed high school pal Jason Alexander for 55 hours). “I hope she is,” he remarked. “Wouldn’t you like to hope that? Let’s just put that out there in the universe, that she is ready.” She seems it. She and Jason Trawick, her former agent, were close long before they were a couple, and he’s been an enormously positive influence on her. [Photo: WENN.com]

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50 Cent to Britney Spears: Congrats, Girl!

North Korea Releases Fake "News" Footage of People Supposedly Mourning Kim Jong Il

Kim Jong Il may have eschewed free markets, civil rights, and even FOOD for the citizens of North Korean, but the man pulled out all the stops when it came to acting classes! How else do you explain this video? Supposedly taken just after Kim Jong Il died , the footage – released by the isolationist, communist cesspool’s state-run media – shows millions mourning the “Dear Leader.” A couple of theories here: 1. They actually just saw a screening of The Notebook , and the government passed it off as a response to Kim’s death, or 2. Armed military personnel promised to let them eat this week if they put on a good show. Either way, these people look sad! North Koreans Mourning Kim Jong Il

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North Korea Releases Fake "News" Footage of People Supposedly Mourning Kim Jong Il

Lauren Conrad Thinks Lo Bosworth Should Star In ‘L.A. Candy’

‘Lo has taken a couple of acting classes in her life,’ former ‘Hills’ star jokes. By Jocelyn Vena, with additional reporting by Matt Elias Lauren Conrad Photo: MTV News Just days after it was announced that Lauren Conrad would hook up with the “Twilight” producers to make her best-selling novel, “L.A.

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Lauren Conrad Thinks Lo Bosworth Should Star In ‘L.A. Candy’