Donald Trump Says He Won’t Concede If Hillary Wins We’re all pretty used to Donald Trump saying ridiculous things , going off topic, calling names, and being generally childish and annoying during the presidential debates. During tonight’s third and final presidential debate, Donald threw what we hope was his last tantrum, saying that in the event that Hillary Wins, he has no plans of conceding to her. “I will tell you at the time. I will keep you in suspense,” he told Fox News Channel anchor Chris Wallace. He also, of course, didn’t bother to shake Hillary’s hand when all was said and done, but not before calling the election “rigged,” accusing her of hiring rioters to ambush his rallies and paying random women to accuse him of sexually assaulting and groping them. If that wasn’t enough, he also indicated that there are currently “millions” of people registered to vote in this year’s election that “shouldn’t be registered.” WHAT people he’s referring to….we aren’t clear. But all the extra craziness aside — Seriously…how does NOT conceding even work? If you lose you lose…that’s just it. Does he plan to just keep campaigning for the next four years while Hillary runs the country? CNN
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Donald Trump Says He Won’t Concede Defeat If Hillary Clinton Wins The Election