Tag Archives: calling-on-him

Ain’t Over: Rep. Frederica Wilson Says Cheeto’s ‘Puppet’ John Kelly Owes America An Apology

Frederica Wilson Calls John Kelly Trump’s “Puppet” Watch your mouth, John Kelly. That’s the message that’s being sent the way of one of Trump’s Cheeto dusted minions. By now you should be well aware of the controversy surrounding the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson and that disgusting “he knew what he signed up for” message  that Deplorable Dumbazz In Chief sent her way. Well, now after Trump’s crusty, dusty pal/WH Chief Of Staff John Kelly decided to call Florida rep. Frederica Wilson (who broke the story) an “empty barrel”, she’s firing back again. As previously reported she already lambasted against Kelly’s use of the term and alleged that it’s actually seeped in racism . Now she’s adding that Kelly’s a liar who’s trying to divert negative attention to her, instead of Cheeto. “He basically just lied on me, and I don’t appreciate people lying on me, and that’s what he did,” Wilson said on MSNBC. According to The Washington Examiner, she’s referring to Kelly’s false recollection of the Democratic congresswoman bragging about securing funding during an FBI building dedication. “I’ve been lied on before, but the character assassination that he went through, to call me out by my name ‘an empty barrel,’ and all of the work I’ve done in this community,” she continued. She’s also calling on him to apologize not just to her but the American people. “Not only does he owe me an apology, he owes an apology to the American people,” said Wilson. “Because when he lied on me he lied to them and I don’t think it’s fair,” Wilson said. “He owes the American people an apology for lying on one of their congresswomen.” “John Kelly is almost, I guess you could say, he was a puppet of the president, and what he was trying to do was divert the attention away from the president and onto me,” Wilson said. General Kelly owes the nation an apology because when he lied about me, he lied to the American public. — Rep Frederica Wilson (@RepWilson) October 22, 2017 Keep the pressure on ’em Frederica! We need real answers about what really happened to Sgt. La David Johnson.

Read more here:
Ain’t Over: Rep. Frederica Wilson Says Cheeto’s ‘Puppet’ John Kelly Owes America An Apology

Congrats…We Guess: Omarosa Said “I Do” At Trump’s D.C. Hotel, Pray For Her Husband

https://instagram.com/p/BSoOxOGgHOH/?taken-by=lynnepatton Omarosa Got Married At A Trump Hotel This Morning Despite the death threats and fear of attack , Donald Trump’s Omarosa was not about to postpone her big broom-jumping any longer. Manigault, the POUTS’ marionette, did her “til death do us part” thing inside the swanky Trump hotel just minutes from the White House early this morning. 61-year-old Pastor John Allen Newman is now required to put up with this vile woman for the rest of his life. He’s fortunate to have such a close relationship with God, he’s gonna be calling on him…a lot. Just in case you were wondering, President Orange FANTA did not attend as he was busy with the Chinese President down in Mar-A-Lago. Flip the page to get an inside look at Omarosa’s big day. Images via Instagram/Splash https://instagram.com/p/BSoa0crg98i/?taken-by=lynnepatton https://instagram.com/p/BSoNFErAOT8/?taken-by=lynnepatton https://instagram.com/p/BSoYEk_gYk1/?taken-by=lynnepatton https://instagram.com/p/BSofNniglcB/?taken-by=lynnepatton https://instagram.com/p/BSoardulrET/?taken-by=djwhitethemic https://instagram.com/p/BSoP51MlNs6/?taken-by=djwhitethemic https://instagram.com/p/BSoX5viF8Lg/?taken-by=djwhitethemic https://instagram.com/p/BSoadk4FNqe/?taken-by=djwhitethemic https://instagram.com/p/BSoW6lZFY29/?taken-by=t.h.e_smitti https://instagram.com/p/BSoGvOklZII/?taken-by=t.h.e_smitti

Visit link:
Congrats…We Guess: Omarosa Said “I Do” At Trump’s D.C. Hotel, Pray For Her Husband