Tag Archives: camera-flashing

My heart went knock knock, the butterflies in my stomach…

My heart went knock knock, the butterflies in my stomach wouldn’t stop stop. We were second in the meet & greet line. It was finally our chance to meet Justin before his show on the 21st of February at the MEN arena. We arrived at the arena at 1 p.m. because we wanted to be there early. We were so exited but so nervous. After about 3 hours, it was time to get our wristbands. We were stood in line for another 2 hours where we could hear the sound check, it was all so exiting. Then Kenny walked by and everyone went crazy but he couldn’t stop. We went down about 7 flights of stairs which lead to the meet and greet room, it was so tense. Then we all heard the cutest voice say, “I’m here,” and Justin popped his head through the curtain! We were called up, and it was our turn next. We walked in and the most perfect figure was standing there. He said, “Hey, how are you? Come in.” We couldn’t say anything, we couldn’t see the camera flashing through our tears. We bought him a bracelet which said, ‘I love my beliebers.’ He said “thank you” as we put it in his hand, and then he hugged us. It was the best hug ever, and he smelled so good. We also told him we loved him as we were getting pulled out by security. “I love you too,” he replied. It was 30 seconds long but that didn’t matter, it was the most perfect 30 seconds of my life. Alfredo was standing there in his onesie but we weren’t aloud to stop and talk to him. Kenny was standing outside the door and gave us the biggest bear hug ever. Sadly we couldn’t take pictures. We then couldn’t breathe and the tears wouldn’t stop, it was incredible. We then found the guy who took our banner from us. He pinky promised us he had taken it to Justin’s dressing room, and in return he gave us 2 of Justin’s guitar picks. We couldn’t believe it. The concert was unbelievable, it was faultless. Now we’re writing this MBE with post concert depression. Nothing will ever beat that day, it was perfect, he was perfect. We are so grateful for this opportunity, and if you keep believing it will happen to you too. -Molly & Chloe (@ima___belieber ) Link: My heart went knock knock, the butterflies in my stomach…

Continued here:
My heart went knock knock, the butterflies in my stomach…