Congressman Randy Weber of Texas couldn’t hold back the tears when he was asking the good Lord for forgiveness on abortion and gay marriage.
Congressman Randy Weber of Texas couldn’t hold back the tears when he was asking the good Lord for forgiveness on abortion and gay marriage.
Black Folks made other folks mad in 2016. We count down the most memorable “White Tears” of last year. From not standing for the flag to Zendaya being Mary Jane in Spiderman…some folks were mad.
11 Celebrities Couples Who Were Engaged Or Together A Long Time, But Never Got Married It’s a great feeling to have that special someone in your life, the person you share your tears, fears, hopes and dreams with for years and years. Thing is, just because you have a long-time bae, doesn’t meant that there will be any exchanging of rings or broom-jumping going on as every woman on this list can attest to. Flip it over a few times to see the celebrity couples who never stood in a church and said “I do”. Image via WENN/AKM-GSI/Splash
A History Of Sitcom Deaths That Actually Made Us Cry Sitcoms are supposed to make us laugh . They’re supposed to be light-hearted and fun. We’re not supposed to cry, dammit. These sitcom deaths actually had us in tears and we aren’t ashamed to say it.