Tag Archives: caran-johnson

Woman Unknowingly Live Tweets Her Own Husband’s Fatal Car Crash

Caran Johnson, a resident of Washington State known by her Twitter handle @ScanCouve, often live tweets traffic updates that she hears on her police scanner. Last week, this unknowingly live tweeted her own husband’s death on I-205. Woman Unknowingly Live Tweets Husband’s Fatal Car Crash Her husband, 47-year-old Craig Johnson, died after his vehicle inexplicably crossed from the northbound lanes into southbound I-205 and hit a pick-up truck. He passed away before help arrived, but there was a gap between when his wife knew there had been an accident and finding out who was involved. Amazingly, and tragically, it all played out on Twitter in real time: #Clark911 #pdxtraffic Sounds like this is a two-car accident on I-205. One of the cars rolled. #Clark911 #pdxtraffic WSP dispatch tells me there are three vehicles involved, two people trapped. A Life Flight helicopter is en route #Clark911 One lane of I-205 is closed. WSP will likely have to block the whole interstate to allow the helicopter to land. I’m trying not to panic, but my husband left work early and he drives 205 to get home. he’s not answering his phone. well he uses his bluetooth, so he would answer his phone. he also wasn’t feeling good so his work was concerned when he left i just called 911 and they transferred me after I gave them his license number and told me that they will call me back. wtf? it’s him. he died my boys are finally asleep. I feel like a block of cement fell on me. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Caran and her two children.

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Woman Unknowingly Live Tweets Her Own Husband’s Fatal Car Crash