Tag Archives: career-leaving

“Refried Bean” Swastikas for Racist Arizona Policies of the Day

I am sure you all have already heard about this new Arizona Law where they can ask you for your papers if you’re a Mexican. Pretty fucking racist and against the American way, but it’s also the American way…if you’re white you’re good and if you’re not, you’ve gotta be sorted out. All the media outlets have made jokes about the shit and I am not gonna bother cuz I live in Canada and don’t care, but I will say that I do appreciate the “refried bean” art that people are putting up to show their anger…I used to make “refried bean” art every day for 3 months on an ex-girlfriend’s front door, only my “refried bean” art was made with human shit instead of “refried beans”….cuz Fecal art is a beautiful thing if you’re crazy and not the one forced to clean the shit off…. Either way, stupid law for stupid people…Go USA.

See the article here:
“Refried Bean” Swastikas for Racist Arizona Policies of the Day

Jessica Simpson Dances with Thick Brazilian Women of the Day

Jessica Simpson has a TV show that was probably her Gay’s idea to make himself famous by riding her coattails as he has up until now….fattening her up to sabotage her career leaving him the last man standing….or some other self-serving strategy I am not really sure of because I don’t care about digging deep into the motivations of Ken Paves…. I just know that she was dancing with a handful of thick Brazilian women, like real thick Brazilian women who Jessica Simpson managed to make look skinny. This isn’t a hot clip unless you’re black but I am posting it anyway….

Go here to see the original:
Jessica Simpson Dances with Thick Brazilian Women of the Day