Tag Archives: career-or-their

Nicki Minaj for Dazed Magazine of the Day

I am pretty confused…Nicki Minaj did this photoshoot for fashion magazine Dazed, but didn’t show one shot of her ass, not from any angle, all the pics are straight up and conservative, I guess because she wants us all to know that she’s not just a big ass that she exploits, she is also tits, and that ass is just an act that she developed with her acting coaches she met in acting school back when building this character she was going to in turn infiltrate into the world, for the world to accept, thanks to a whole lot of radio play and apathy that involves not delving into the white bred world of Nicki Minaj and her popstar lie for white bread suburbanites… Nicki Minaj is a lie that is working, that reminds everyone that it is ok to lie as long as it is for international success, fame, fortune and money…

Originally posted here:
Nicki Minaj for Dazed Magazine of the Day

Crista Cober Titties for Vamp Magazine of the Day

Crista Cober is a model who I’ve never heard of, there are so many models that it is impossible to really keep track of them, unless you are a weirdo and actually care, it’s like every tall skinny chick is a model and only some actually make money and get ahead, while others make money and are never heard of, and others are heard of and never make money but they have a good opportunity to meet rich guys to buy them everything they need…. I guess that’s the basic foundation of modeling. Interchangeable tall chicks who like having their pictures taken and who are willing to get naked in those pictures even if it isn’t paid, even if they were the kind of girl who said prior to modeling that “you’d have to pay me a million dollars to show you my tits”…only to do it for free after realizing how competitive modeling is because they are interchangeable…and being tricked into thinking it will help their career or their “book”… What it comes down to is that Free is Affordable enough for me…especially when it comes to getting girls to show their tits…so I like this Corber chick…and her tits…in this magazine.

Continue reading here:
Crista Cober Titties for Vamp Magazine of the Day