Tag Archives: carla-juri

The Interview, Wetlands, & More: Nudeworthy on Netflix 1.28.15

January’s winding down, but there are still some skinsational flicks to check out on Netflix before the month ends! Hit the jump for more pics and info…

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The Interview, Wetlands, & More: Nudeworthy on Netflix 1.28.15

Hollywood Xposed: 01/29/2013

Naked News brings us the breast of Hollywood Xposed! This week’s highlights include Alexandra Daddario ‘s jaw-dropping nude debut on True Detective , Lili Simmons self-exploration on Banshee , and Gaby Hoffman ‘s mega muff on Girls .

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Hollywood Xposed: 01/29/2013

Sundance Nudity Report – 2014

The Sundance Film Festival – or Skindance as we call it- has wrapped up in Utah, and we have all the nudity reports in from our intrepid Skin Skouts! The real shocker this year proved to be the freaky German flick Wetlands (2014) which features graphic nude interludes and plenty of- as our Deutsch friends would say- the shizer . The film’s star Carla Juri makes her outrageous nude debut indulging in filthy paraphilias, switching bloody tampons with her pals, eating splooge pizza, and masturbating with various vegetables. All of this spread out over 18, that’s right 18, nude scenes. See the trailer for Wetlands here For the more faint of hard-on, another film getting big buzz is Gregg Arak i’s adaptation of the novel White Bird in a Blizzard (2014), starring Shailene Woodley and the ever luscious Eva Green . Sadly, there’s no nudity from Eva, but Shailene is fresh off her nude debut in The Spectacular Now (2013) and gamely strips down again to give you Woodley with three boob-baring scenes. See the trailer for White Bird in a Blizzard here There’s also a number of wholesome nude scenes showing up in the indie lineup, like the absurdist lesbian comedy The Foxy Merkins (2013) where Lisa Haas shows her avocados as a down-on-her-luck prostitute. The Norwegian drama The Sleepwalker (2014) is a psychological horror flick with Stephanie Ellis and Gitte Witt playing increasingly competitive sisters. Fortunately they both go breasts out so you can judge the mam-ily resemblance yourself. There’s also mumblecore director Adam Wingard ’s latest offering The Guest (2014), which has a welcome visit from a topless Tabatha Shaun . Appropriate Behavior (2014) has Desiree Akhavan exploring her sexuality in several boob-baring escapades. The Iranian vampire romance A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2013) has neo-noir knockers in the bath from Sheila Vand . And in the most disappointing release of the festival, Christina Hendricks co-stars in John Slattery ’s directorial debut, God’s Pocket (2014), but only shows off her compelling cleavage. Don’t worry though, Sophia Takal is there to ease the pain with her T&A.

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Sundance Nudity Report – 2014