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#25LBTurkeyChallenge Millennials Are Googling How To Cook A Turkey In A Microwave Like This ‘Flavor Of Love’ Contestant

Source: Nicki Pardo / Getty #25LBTurkeyChallenge Tweets Go Viral There’s a prank going viral that includes Thanksgiving, millennials and frantic moms. The Washington Post reports that people are texting their mothers asking them how to cook a 25-pound turkey in the microwave, and posting the results. The results are hilarious and ranging from mothers laughing hysterically to some moms imploring their kids to just buy a bird from a restaurant and asking if they’ve been drinking. “R u drunk????” wrote one mom. “Please tell me you’re kidding,” Luke Bryan’s wife Caroline Bryan wrote her niece. https://www.instagram.com/linabryan3/?utm_source=ig_embed #25LBturkeychallenge pic.twitter.com/lyhzOdOasp — Lex Rash (@lexrash_) November 18, 2018 Butterball has since responded via The Today Show and they’re imploring people to cook turkey thoroughly if they HAVE to put it in a microwave.” “Microwave it for 4 minutes per pound on full power to get the cooking process started.” Then you baste it and “flip the turkey over and cook it at 50 percent power for 8 minutes per pound (72 minutes total).” We started microwaving turkeys before hashtags even existed. The #25LBturkeychallenge is a little ambitious, but a 12-pound turkey is no challenge at all. Give us a call at 1-800-BUTTERBALL and we’ll walk you through it step-by-step. — Butterball (@butterball) November 16, 2018 Remember when Schatar ‘Hottie’ Taylor from “Flavor Of Love” called herself “cooking” a chicken in a microwave? She’d be so proud. Source: Jason Merritt/FilmMagic / Getty See more cook a turkey in the microwave tweets below.

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#25LBTurkeyChallenge Millennials Are Googling How To Cook A Turkey In A Microwave Like This ‘Flavor Of Love’ Contestant