Tag Archives: carroll-lynch

Justin Bieber and Lil Twist: Back in Action!

You may remember Lil Twist as the Justin Bieber lackey who was arrested for driving drunk and smoking a joint in Justin’s car . Needless to say, Twist isn’t great for Justin’s reputation, but he must be a blast to hang out with, because the Biebs keeps bringing Twist back into his life. Justin Bieber and Lil Twist: Reunited! That’s Justin and Twist leaving Playhouse restaurant in Hollywood last night, and fortunately was the one to get behind the wheel. Bieber had a house party broken up by the cops this week, but other than that, he’s been keeping an uncharacteristically low profile. You can expect that to change now that Twist is back in the picture.  Justin’s manager, Scooter Braun, kicked Twist out of Bieber’s house  following his DUI arrest, and for a while it seemed that JB was intent on keeping his distance from the trouble making rapper. But now it seems Justin just doesn’t know how to quit Twist, and the rapper Instagrammed a photo of the two of them together last night, along with a caption reading, “Just like that…we’re bac…leaving a great dinner with my lil brother @justinbieber #Family” Ah yes, Twist realizes what really matters in life. The most important thing is family – particularly family with gajillions of dollars, armies of willing groupies, and an endless supply of weed. The Bieber-Twist reunion will almost certainly end badly, and it will most likely be very fun to watch. 13 Tattoos Justin Bieber Thinks Make Him Look Hard 1. Justin Bieber Chest Tattoo Justin Bieber has another new tattoo. This one is hard to miss. What do you think?

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Justin Bieber and Lil Twist: Back in Action!

Clowns of America International: Angry at American Horror Story, Apparently an Organization

American Horror Story: Freak Show features a number, well, freaks this season. There’s a biker with deformed hands. There’s a woman with two heads. And there’s a hermaphrodite with three breasts. But there’s also a killer clown on the loose – and it’s this character who is causing some problems for viewers around the country. Specifically, for clowns who are NOT killers.  “Hollywood makes money sensationalizing the norm,” says Glenn Kohlberger, President of Clowns of America International, to The Hollywood Reporter. “They can take any situation, no matter matter how good or pure, and turn it into a nightmare.” Dubbed “Twisty” and played by John Carroll Lynch, the clown has already committed many murders through just two American Horror Story: Freak Show episodes. He’s also locked a couple people up in his scary bus. And Kohlberger isn’t happy about the way this clown is being portrayed. He says Twisty is giving carefree, fun, non-homicidal clowns a bad name. “We do not support in any way, shape or form any medium that sensationalizes or adds to coulrophobia or ‘clown fear,’ ” Kohlberger says. Of course, television can’t be blamed entirely for how some folks view clowns in a negative light: in 1978, John Wayne Gacy was arrested for killing and raping at least 33 boys while simultaneously performing as Pogo the Clown. Now that’s some scary stuff. Even scarier that a hermaphrodite with three breasts.  Kohlberger’s beef, meanwhile, hasn’t affected ratings for this Ryan Murphy-produced drama: It recently aired its most-watched premiere of all-time and it’s already been renewed for Season 5. Those who missed the latest episode can watch American Horror Story online right here and now: Watch American Horror Story Season 4 Episode 2 Online

Clowns of America International: Angry at American Horror Story, Apparently an Organization