Actor Casey Allen Moss was arrested on Monday on assault charges. According to multiple reports, the Days of Our Lives actor was taken into custody in Scottsdale, Ariz., after allegedly attempting to punch a bartender. Around 12:30 a.m., Arizona police were called to the W hotel in Scottsdale. The 21-year-old daytime soap star allegedly started an argument with a bartender. The disagreement initiated when a bartender cut him off for the night. When police arrived, it was evident Moss was highly intoxicated. According to local news station ABC, Moss was taken into custody and transported to a local jail. He is facing charges of assault, disorderly conduct, and resisting arrest. Fox reports that Moss was released from the Arizona jail on Tuesday. He is scheduled to be in court for an arraignment on November 2. This isn’t the first time a Days of Our Lives star has been accused of criminal behavior. In May 2013, Dylan Patton was arrested for distributing cocaine . View Slideshow: Celebrity Mug Shots: BOOK ‘EM!
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Casey Allen Moss: Days of Our Lives Star Arrested for Assault