Tag Archives: cats-sometimes

Cat Makes Ninja-Like Attempt to Sneak Past Great Dane, Fails

Give this cat an A for Effort. And an O for Oh My God, That Dog is Frickin Gigantic! In the following video, a feline named Meeko wants to leave the bathroom… but there’s a problem: a Great Dane (aptly) named Tank is in the way. So watch Meeko get down low, watch him try to be all stealthy and ninja-like with his quiet movements – and then watch as his enormous frenemy is awakened from a sound slumber, much to Meeko chagrin/total fear: Cat Attempts to Sneak Past Grant Dane YIKES! Also: LOL! On the flip side, cats sometimes try to befriend dogs , even if their attempts are unwanted. But other times they choose a different animal and nuzzle up to a horse . As you can see below, however, close relationships between cats and dogs definitely do exist: Golden Retriever and Rescue Cat: Adorable Best Friends! 1. Dog Cares for Cat This Golden Retriever keeps a close eye on this cat. The latter was adopted by the former’s family.

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Cat Makes Ninja-Like Attempt to Sneak Past Great Dane, Fails