Tag Archives: celeb search

Mr. Skin’s Brand-Spanking New Search Tools!

We’re always working hard to skinprove MrSkin.com, and now we’re engorged with pride about our brand-spanking new search tool! The new tool uses “faceted search,” which the tech guys say is awesome because it “allows the assignment of multiple classifications to an object, enabling the classifications to be ordered in multiple ways, rather than in a single, pre-determined, taxonomic order.” We’re not really sure what that means, but they assure us that it’ll make it easier to find just the thing that tickles your pickle. Plus, now it has pictures! We’ve also added a new and improved Clip Search where you can enter exactly what you’re looking for- got a craving for nude babes eating pizza ? You got it, mister! Do lesbian shower scenes get you all hot and steamy? We’ve got those, too! The new search tool is ready for you and your tool so check out our new celebs search , titles search , and clip search functions RIGHT NOW on MrSkin.com!

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Mr. Skin’s Brand-Spanking New Search Tools!