Who gives a fuck about Lady Gaga…. Apparently everyone in my feed, who have been writing shit like “Powerful”…and “Bravo Lady Gaga”….and “A voice to be heard”…and all this other bullshit…Shut the fuck up… It’s just a fucking music video, about campus rape..and other forms of sexual assault, because she knows we’re in a rap culture, rape culture, and porn culture, of rough sex and sober dudes being predators on idiot girls…. But Gaga knows how to make social commentary people relate to….and talk about, when she’s not walking around with mean dresses…. The whole thing is so fucking cheesy to me…and anyone who feels anything watching this…are just empty people, looking for stimulation…or purpose or something…or I guess rape victims…or friends of rape victims… I don’t know why this is an “It” conversation now….people have been drugging people, or getting girls drunk for years to get sex…but now it’s rape…because I guess it is rape…so why not let Lady Gaga speak to that..since she’s been raping since her career started…with her music…in my ears… What I am saying is rape is bad, but Lady Gaga is worse….and unfortunately…she’s back. The post People Care About Lady Gaga’s New Video of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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People Care About Lady Gaga’s New Video of the Day