Cemetery Worker Steals Granite Headstones To Make Tile Flooring SMH. A Rhode Island cemetery worker was discovered swiping granite headstones from the graves of war veterans to make fancy tile flooring for his garage. Via MailOnline : A cemetery worker in Rhode Island is expected to admit that he stole granite headstones from the graves of U.S. veterans and used them as flooring. Kevin Maynard, a 59-year-old who worked at a veterans’ burial ground in Exeter, reportedly admitted taking at least 150 of the granite slabs and using them for projects including a shed and two garages. Photos taken by federal investigators show some of the flagstones face-up inside a garage, with the details of a Second World War veteran clearly visible. Other stones had been turned over, leaving the details of the soldier they were meant to honor pounded down into the dirt. A federal investigator said he saw other stones spattered with trash and motor oil. According to local news station WPRI, which revealed the investigation, Maynard bragged to his colleagues about taking the stones, which had been taken from the ground because they were due to be replaced. According to federal rules on veterans’ cemeteries, all granite headstones due to be replaced must be ground up to protect the dignity of the buried soldiers. Man, he couldn’t even turn all the tiles over? So everytime he pulls into his driveway he has to read “here lies John?” SMH!
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People Ain’t Isht: Rhode Island Cemetery Worker Steals Headstones To Do This…