Tag Archives: certain-haters

My name is Emily, I’m 16 years old and I’m from…

My name is Emily, I’m 16 years old and I’m from Manchester, England. This is my Bieber Experience.. I never thought I’d be saying this, but NEVER SAY NEVER! The only thing I ever wanted to do was see Justin live, so when he announced that he was doing a worldwide tour I HAD to go. The only problem was that when Justin’s tickets went on sale, I was in school. I excused myself from class and rang my mum and begged her to get tickets for Manchester and she did! I was so excited but then for my birthday, my best friends got me tickets to Justin’s concert on the 11th March in Liverpool . I cried my eyes out! I’d tried to win meet and greets off BieberFever.com to the concert on the 11th March in Liverpool when I saw him in concert first but I failed. I tried again and entered for the concert on the 20th March. When I found out I won, it was so early in the morning but I was running around the house screaming my head off! When the 20th March came and the day of the concert, I had to go and pick up my wristband off Justin’s crew members. Then we all got led through the backstage to another room where we were told to wait for Bieber! We could see all the team setting up and doing final preparations for the show! Then Kenny came out a room and I was hyperventilating, at this point I really knew it was happening!! There was a curtain in the middle of the room. Then I heard him. His voice. We all screamed and Kenny started laughing at us and told us to shush! I was first in and I couldn’t believe my eyes. He was standing there right  in front  of my eyes with his jacket, jeans and black supras. Justin gave me a really big hug, (the best hug, the warmest hug I have ever had and he SMELT AMAZING!!) and then he said “Hey Girls” to everyone else and I said HEYJSDKLJDKSLA.. made even more of an idiot of myself. Then Alfredo Flores (YES, ALFREDO WAS THERE TOO!!) told us all to get in a line for the picture. I didn’t know where to go and the next thing I know Justin had put his arm round me and pulled me next to him. I was in heaven!! Kenny told us to pull our cheesiest grins ever for the photo. Then we were told to move on. I really didn’t want to go, but as I left the room I turned round and he was watching us leave. I said to my sister “I love him so much!” and all of a sudden he told us he loved us too and smiled at me. That was it, I was in tears. We got out of the curtain and it hit me. That was Justin Bieber. The most beautiful person I have ever seen. Then you could hear that he started singing “Friday” by Rebecca Black. I was behind the curtain then and went ‘OHHHHHH NOOOOOO’ and he laughed at told me he was sorry. I died again at that point. Not only that but the concert was AMAZING! Justin pranked Willow and came on stage with Ryan, Scooter and Jaden and they all whipped their hair. It was so funny! I was in hysterics! Our seats were so good as well, you could see all of his team stood at the side of the stage. Willow went to stand at the side of the stage and then WILL SMITH came. That made my whole night. There’s no doubt that I am going to remember this day for the rest of my life! I believe that dreams do come true because mine has. All I want to say is thank you so much Justin, you’re amazing and I will always love you. -@emilylyricz Read the original: My name is Emily, I’m 16 years old and I’m from…

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My name is Emily, I’m 16 years old and I’m from…

My Bieber Experience is not all that amazing, like meeting him,…

My Bieber Experience is not all that amazing, like meeting him, or talking to his crew, it’s just simple. But it’s crazy how one little thing can change a fan! And that’s what happened to me. It was June 9, 2011 . Which was also my first day of summer, but in Michigan, the weather is bipolar and it was rainy and gloomy outside. My friends and I were having a scary movie day. We were in the middle of the movie and Justin started tweeting. I could tell he was in a bad mood because of certain haters, so he tweeted, “please post your favorite WILL FERRELL moments.” The first thing that came to mind was the ‘More Cowbell’ SNL skit that Justin is obsessed with. Of course I tweeted, “@justinbieber More cowbell!” I figured he wouldn’t see it just like every other time I tweet to him so I just went on watching the movie. But, fifteen minutes later, I got a call from my bestfriend’s little sister, who is also my little sister’s bestfriend, that he retweeted me. I didn’t believe her and I was talking to her really loudly so everyone was yelling at me because they wanted to watch the movie , but I had to check for myself. I logged onto Twitter. I look and suddenly I have like 100 more followers than I did before and then I started to believe her. I went onto Justin’s page and I saw that he retweeted me. I was on the ground, screaming. I was also hyperventalating. Then I go back to my home page and all of my friends are tweeting me, “You are sooooo lucky!” “he is following you!” So I look, and they were right! He’s following me! Here come the waterworks. People were tweeting me, “Follow me!” I felt like a celeb.  I couldn’t believe it! I never thought he’d ever even notice me! But now,(3 days later), that tweet has been retweeted by 841 people and I have gained like 700 followers. I still can’t believe it. I only tweeted that to him once! I didn’t even spam him or anything! So, make sure that you never give up and most importantly, NEVER SAY NEVER! Dreams can come true. -Madeline/@nitrameniledam  Read the rest here: My Bieber Experience is not all that amazing, like meeting him,…

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My Bieber Experience is not all that amazing, like meeting him,…