I know that no one cares about anything Lindsay Lohan, she’s so done, expired, useless, irrelevant, still famous and people will still suck up to her, but nothing she does is of real interest, nothing even when she goes out and gets engaged no one cares, 80 percent of people just assume she’s dead….or prostituting herself to someone who thinks it’s cool that they are fucking Lindsay Lohan, knowing how many famous and rich cock that has been in her…it’s like that pussy is the whos who of the early 2000s Hollywood… I am probably one of 50 people who still care about Lohan, including her immediate family, but then again, they never cared about her…but I don’t really care to see her face that she’s mangled, at 30 or near 30 or older than 30…..it takes away from what was… So to celebrate Lohan, her engagement, I’d rather focus on a topless, recently sunburnt, snap chatting redhead who is everything Lohan wanted to be, including but not limited to 18 years old…Bella Thorne…because we’re in an era where Bella Throne’s sunburn is a bigger deal than Lohan’s engagement to some rich dude from Russia, 10 years behind on the trends… But if you’re more into expired milk, knowing it will one day turn into cheese, here’s Lohan this past weekend NIPPPLES IN A SEE THROUGH DRESS The post Lindsay Lohan is Engaged and Bella Thorne has a Sun Burn of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Lindsay Lohan is Engaged and Bella Thorne has a Sun Burn of the Day