Tag Archives: changing-its

Woman Sentenced to Death by Stoning Reportedly Appears on Iranian Television

According to a report on Robert Mackey's NYT blog The Lede, the woman who had previously been sentenced to stoning for adultrey has been tortured and beaten into now confessing to murder. Way to go Iran…yeah, let's hear it for more justice sharia style. “My colleague William Yong reported from Tehran last week that “Iran appears to be answering international criticism of its handling of the case” by changing its description of Ms. Ashtiani’s crime from adultery to murder.” http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/08/12/iran-broadcasts-confession-from-woma… added by: Incredulous

Village People Handle Major Blow from YMCA

The Village People were caught with their pants down last week when the YMCA announced it will be changing its name to “the Y” — but