Following an appearance on The View this week, Whoopi Goldberg approached reality TV star Michaele Salahi backstage and cursed her off. This fact is not in dispute. Both sides acknowledge the confrontation. But there are a couple differences: Salahi’s lawyer says her client was completely mistreated on the talk show, outlining her complaints and explaining what happened in a statement you can read HERE . Goldberg, conversely, pretty much says Salahi deserved everything that came to her. On yesterday’s episode, Whoopi started the show by discussing the events and not backing down from her role in them: “I went up to her and told her that she knew I didn’t hit her, and yeah, you know, how I said it: choice words. I make no apology for my choice words… I mean they were so choice you could’ve cut ’em with a knife and eaten them.” Goldberg says she was set off when Salahi’s husband pulled out his Blackberry and stared snapping photos of his wife’s heated discussion with the comedian. Michaele, meanwhile, went on The Today Show yesterday and described how Whoopi “berated” her. Again, this isn’t something Goldberg denies. She almost seems to take pride in it. Watch Whoopi’s take on the feud below and then choose a side: Whoopi on Michaele
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Whoopi Goldberg Makes No Apologies for Treatment of Michaele Salahi