Tag Archives: cheesy-or-not

News Report on the Condition of the Road Win of the Day

I don’t know what third world this shit is from, but I am going to say Africa, a place that needs to stop trying to recruit white people money, since they can afford video cameras and broadcast TV…it’s like sell your fucking Mercedes and feed the AIDS babies you assholes… But I do know that it’s pretty funny to see the news report on the condition of the roads end in an accident…that may have been staged to get their message across but that is pretty fucking awesome if it wasn’t… Africa, or wherever this is, I’m assuming africa cuz he’s black, has it all figured out.

See the article here:
News Report on the Condition of the Road Win of the Day

Nina Dobrev Bikini Jump of the Day

The bikini jump is probably the cheesiest of cheesy bikini pics…it reminds me of a tampon commercial or the freeze frame at the end of an 80s sitcom…but I don’t expect much creativity from some candy-coated Canadian who is famous as shit in the States, living the American dream because she booked a solid show…I mean if anything she’s a sheltered brat who has no idea what’s up…that’s why she’s producing this nonsense…but what it comes down to is that…she’s in a bikini with a bunch of friends…but cheesy or not it’s like a Facebook vacation album I would jerk off to…making it pretty fucking good enough.

Read the original:
Nina Dobrev Bikini Jump of the Day