Seeing Elizabeth Olsen, who doesn’t really speak to my soul, but she is the hotter Olsen twin, just the less successful one thanks to not being whored out as aggressively as her sisters, but thrown into the scene when she was a little older, so she possibly grew up with a childhood reaping the benefits of being an Olsen, without the pressure that leads to drug addiction…but the again, when you’re the bootleg sister, you often times compensate for being the lesser of the three, with vagina and rebellion…if only I was a child psychologist and not just a pervert appreciating her legs and short skirt as she gets out of the car…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Trying to Look up Elizabeth Olsen’s Skirt of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Trying to Look up Elizabeth Olsen’s Skirt of the Day