Tag Archives: chicago-fires

Cheryl Burke’s Lookin’ LARGE in her Bikini of the Day

Dancer to the stars….who is not my kind of dancer to the stars I like….you see cuz I feel all professional dancers who couldn’t make it as Vegas Show girls…or in the movies….all down on their luck in Hollywood….should be the kind of dancer to the stars who gets naked…hoping to lure at least one celeb into getting them pregnant….at private strip shows in the mansion coke parties in the hills…..making her a failure as far as I am concerned…and not just because her dancing body has become all doughy in her maternity leave….but not doughy enough for her to hide it….but instead celebrates it with her bikini…in what makes little to no sense…other than that bitch just doesn’t care…she’s made it places she never imagined and now she can be lazy about things….like her body cuz she’s a mom….and that’s just what mom’s do when they throw in the towel and appreciate the time off of the gym….gross… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Cheryl Burke’s Lookin’ LARGE in her Bikini of the Day

Shiri Appleby Pregnant Bikini Pic of the Day

Shiri Appleby is some Fan Boy icon who I’ve never heard of…because I am not into Fan Boy shit….although I should be…considering I run a website and 99 percent of you idiots are virgin losers who love aliens, sci/fi, comics and all that shit that doesn’t get you laid…..not even pity sex comes your way cuz you fear girls…. She was the lead on Roswell….a show every virgin loser I knew at the time it was on TV was into….and a show I can proudly say I never saw… Since her stint as being famous…I am sure she’s gone onto one too many nerd comic conventions….as well as guest starring on a show called Chicago Fires…at least that was probably a few months ago….because by the looks of her…the only thing she stars in is ready to drop fantasies that probably anger the people who actually know who she is…cuz they felt as she fell off the map….their chances would improve to get her….welll here’s the cold hard truth motherfuckers…and it is wearing a bikini….

The rest is here:
Shiri Appleby Pregnant Bikini Pic of the Day